Located in Lions Gate Village, this proposed development will be a diverse residential community and tourism hub. On the northern portion of the site, a new 171 room hotel will replace current hotel stock within the neighbourhood and on site. Divided from the proposed hotel by an extension of Curling Road to McGuire Avenue, the southern portion of the site will include a mixed-use development with 478 much-needed purpose-built rental homes for the community. Ten percent of the residential area will be dedicated to below-market & deeply affordable homes, including 18 two- and three-bedroom homes offered primarily for female-led, single parent households through a partnership with YWCA Metro Vancouver. Over 9,000 sf of community serving retail will be introduced between the two buildings, and over 35,000 sf of land – the equivalent of six standard single-family lots – will be dedicated back to the community in the form of enhanced pedestrian, cycling and public transit networks, a pocket park, green space, expanded sidewalks and boulevards, and an extension of the street network that will provide alternative access to Marine Drive for Lions Gate Village.

1634-1748 Capilano
1634-1748 Capilano Road, North Vancouver, British Columbia