Bordered by SW Marine Drive, Ash Street and W 70th Avenue, this purpose-built rental development represents a vision for a transit-accessible, family-centric community that encourages broader engagement with the surrounding neighbourhood.
The design includes a 100% purpose built rental with 20% below market units and no residential displacement; a portion of deeply affordable supportive residences planned in partnership with the YWCA; significant public realm improvements with 40% of the site going back to the community as open public space; a large public plaza designed as a neighbourhood destination with splash pads, outdoor ping pong tables and picnic tables; and a variety of family- and pet-friendly amenities, accessible to all residents.
The proposed childcare centre will be a welcome addition to the area. Its proximity to a significant transit hub will eliminate an additional stop to and from work for commuting Marpole parents.
Retail space on site will exceed what is currently in place and will be community-serving, creating a destination for neighbourhood residents that is easily accessible by foot. Extensive exterior patio space will facilitate access to fresh air and healthy enjoyment of these retail spaces.
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The Cascades at 622 SW Marine
622 SW Marine Drive, Vancouver, BC